Our branches will be closed Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents Day. Our online and mobile banking services remain available 24/7.

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For over ten years, BankSouth has helped thousands of families finance their homes.  We know how daunting this may be, but we take the worry and hassle out of the process.

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Payments and Transfers Upgrade Status

Status of Upgrade: Complete — After the Upgrade

What to Do After the Upgrade: 

  • You can begin paying bills, people, and sending money to external accounts in online banking and our mobile app. 
  • Hidden billers will re-appear after conversion. If you no longer wish to see them, you may delete them and still retain the payment history.

Payments and Transfers Upgrade FAQ’s: 

  • Will my bills get paid during the blackout week?
    Yes. All bills scheduled prior to November 4 will be paid as scheduled. 
  • How do I edit or cancel a payment during the blackout week?
    You will not have access to online bill pay or external transfers, including Popmoney, from November 4 – November 13.
  • Where do I access the new bill payments and external transfers section after the upgrade?

  • Do I need to sign up for online bill pay and personal payments again?
    No, you will automatically be enrolled. 
  • Do I need to set up billers after the conversion?
    No, all biller information will be carried over.
  • If I have a recurring bill payment, do I have to reschedule?
    No, all recurring bills will be automatically scheduled. 
  • How will I know if there is an issue with one of my bills?
    If you see one of your billers highlighted, this means that we need more information in order to process a bill payment to this biller. Everything we need to pay your bill should be included in your most recent bill or statement from the biller. 
  • Why did my bill payment get paid with a check instead of electronically?
    During the conversion to our new online bill payment system, if any of the information was changed, that may have caused a paper check to be issued. Resolve this by making sure the biller information is up to date in online banking. 
  • Will my Popmoney information come over?
    No. Your Popmoney data will not be transferred. You will need to set up your contacts again. 
  • Will my external bank transfer information come over?
    No. You will have to set up your external accounts again. 
  • Do I need to update the BankSouth mobile app?
  • How do I use the new bill pay and external transfers?
    We will be sharing more information after the upgrade is complete.
  • Will this upgrade affect internal transfers?
    No, this upgrade does not affect internal transfers at all.
  • Will I be able to make internal transfers to other BankSouth accounts from November 4 – November 13?
    Yes, you will be able to make transfers between the BankSouth accounts that you can see within your online banking. For example, if you have a child with a BankSouth account and one of you needs to transfer money to the other, you will be able to transfer money during the upgrade if that account shows within your online banking.